As a “Blue Ribbon School of Excellence,” our entire Ste. Gen. community takes great pride in the academic achievements of our students.
With a strong focus on preparing our students for their high school years and their lives ahead, our students are challenged and engaged to push themselves to reach their utmost potential through our dynamic academic curriculum, strong study ethic and focus on critical problem-solving skills. At Ste. Gen., we strive to evolve with the latest innovations in education, staying informed about not just what’s new, but also what’s next. Our goal is to provide our children with the most up-to-date, current educational resources to help them find a great formula for success in their school journey going forward.
As a proven result of our dedicated efforts, our students consistently score higher than the Archdiocesan average on ITBS testing, which is a key qualification for high school acceptance.
Serving grades Pre-K through Eighth, Ste. Genevieve du Bois School is a fully accredited Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Our inspired educators have crafted a dynamic curriculum that serves to guide and challenge our students to confidently achieve their best success. With a focus on pride, respect and a faithful way of life, our goal at Ste. Gen. is to not only teach kids the facts, but the logic behind the knowledge, helping our students attain creative problem-solving skills that will serve them not only in school, but also in life in general. From the earliest grades, our well-rounded curriculum ignites both sides of the child’s brain, from Math, Science, Computer and Religion to English, P.E., Music, Art and Spanish.
Primary (Pre-K to 2nd Grade)
At Ste. Gen, social engagement and creative expression are woven into everything we do in the nurturing environment of our Primary Grades. Through hands-on play, group activities and small group teachings, we can naturally engage a child’s curious mind, making learning fun and rewarding. Emerging readers are turned into confident book lovers who not only read the words, but also comprehend the message. Leadership qualities and faith-serving values are instilled even in these earliest years. Opportunities to take center stage and shine abound from lectoring at Mass to writing and reading the news on the school-wide Morning News Program to performing the Three Piggy Opera for the community, all under the careful guidance of our supportive educators. Second Grade is a particularly important sacramental year for the children when they celebrate their First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Intermediate (3rd to 5th Grade)
Our Intermediate Grades at Ste. Gen build upon the foundation established in Pre-K through Second Grade, adding more challenge and responsibility along the way. Social engagement morphs into collaborative work in a team setting. Organizational skills, note taking and schedule management are added into the mix, instilling a sense of personal pride and ownership. Beginning in Fourth Grade, students gain their first exposure to the middle school model, shifting between classrooms and teachers who specialize in certain subjects. They also get the opportunity to represent their class on Student Council. Intermediate Grade students gain crucial leadership and stewardship skills, along with a boost in confidence from such activities as lectoring at Mass, performing for the residents of St. Agnes Home, giving class presentations and sharing the Morning News. Third through Fifth Grades also find our students delving deeper into Catholic teachings, examining their own faith and the meaning behind the elements of Mass.
Middle (6th to 8th Grade)
A true high school prep experience, Ste. Gen.’s Middle School is treated as a separate academy within the school, fostering a certain independence for the upper grades. Students move between classes and teachers just as they will in high school, practicing time management and organization of their schoolwork for the day ahead. The primary years were the stepping stones to critical thinking and strong study skills. Adding more in-depth analysis to the equation, the middle schoolers are challenged to think, question and share, expanding their views and voicing their perspectives. Middle school is also where the students’ faith and leadership are really put into practice. Like the lower grades, they also lector at Mass and present the Morning News, but they also take on a bigger role in the school as a whole. They are viewed as the leaders of the school at large, running Student Council, mentoring young buddies in the primary grades and participating on the Bellarmine Speech Team where they can gain crucial public speaking experience. The middle schoolers practice acts of Stewardship such as working at a local shelter, presenting Living Stations to the community and sharing the good works of the saints with the other students during their Saints Alive fair. In Eighth Grade, the students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, strengthening their faith and completing their full initiation into the Catholic Church.