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A wonderful service for working parents, Ste. Gen’s After Care program provides a safe and fun environment where the children can work on homework and play with friends. A typical After Care day might include a kickball game, chase on the playground or a cute craft inside on snowy days. Aftercare is from 3pm-6pm staffed daily until 6 p.m by two- three caregivers.
A fabulous place to bond with your new school buddies, Ste. Genevieve du Bois School offers a full range of CYC sports opportunities for boys and girls in grades Kindergarten through Eighth, covering the fall, winter and spring seasons. For more information, please visit SteGenSports.org.
At Ste. Genevieve du Bois School, we believe that one of our most important missions is to help our children develop a deep understanding of our Catholic faith, “To Teach As Jesus Did”, as suggested by the Bishop’s Pastoral. We seek to share with our students Christ’s message of love, service and salvation, so that these principles may be a guiding force throughout their lives.
Through our faith, we empower our students to be leaders and share the Good Word. We celebrate Mass each week at Ste. Gen. and parents are always invited to join us. Grades First to Eighth take turns leading Mass, lectoring and leading the music. This not only allows the children to become more fully engaged with the Word of God, but also offers a wonderful opportunity to take a leadership role and practice public speaking. The Sixth Grade hosts a Saints Alive fair where they invite students in all grades to learn about the good works of our holy saints through fun, themed activities.
During Lent, we pray the Stations of the Cross with grades Second to Eighth. The Middle Schoolers also perform Living Stations for the entire school community, bringing the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection to life for the younger children. As an act of service, the Middle School students also perform Living Stations for the St. Agnes and Carmelite communities.
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation are particularly special and parents play a key role. In Second Grade, the children spend the whole year learning about the meaning behind the Mass, developing a deeper understanding of our faith before they receive their First Reconciliation and First Communion. A special First Communion Prep Day brings families together, where the children and their parents make a symbolic loaf of bread, create special banners celebrating their First Communion, share a special story with the Principal and practice proper etiquette when receiving the bread and wine. When the big day comes, parents go up with their children to happily witness their very First Communion. In Eighth Grade, the students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, completing their full initiation into the Catholic faith. The teachers prepare the candidates with special support from the parents and sponsors. A special Confirmation Retreat offers a unique opportunity for prayer and reflection.
In May we come together as a community to celebrate the Crowning of Mary. Our First Communicants once again wear their special First Communion dresses, jackets and ties to commemorate this special day. It’s always a lovely Mass.
Serving grades Pre-K through Eighth, Ste. Genevieve du Bois School is a fully accredited Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. With a focus on pride, respect and a faithful way of life, our dynamic Archdiocesan curriculum challenges our students to confidently achieve their best success through critical thinking and creative problem solving. For more detailed information, please see our Ste. Gen Curriculum tab.
Ste. Genevieve du Bois School follows a uniform dress code, ensuring the focus can be on academics and not the latest fads. Children in grades Pre-K to Fifth wear white or grey polos with navy shorts or pants. Girls may wear the Ste. Gen plaid jumper. Middle Schoolers in grades Sixth to Eighth wear white, navy, or grey polos with khaki shorts or pants. Middle School girls may wear the Ste. Gen plaid skirt. A belt is required in all grades, the only exception is for Pre-K pants and shorts without belt loops. Ste. Gen. sweatshirts and leggings may be worn on chilly days.
To contact us, please call or email
Phone 314-821.4245
E-mail Robin.Lukasek@stegenschool.org
To contact a specific teacher or staff member, parents please visit the FastDirect School Information System.
Ste. Genevieve Du Bois School proudly welcomes boys and girls from Pre-K through Eighth Grade, one class per grade. Our class sizes are small by design, forming a nurturing and creative environment where ideas can prosper and children can get the specialized attention they deserve. We invite you find out more about our admissions process and schedule a tour today!
A one-stop portal for everything that’s happening at Ste. Gen, FastDirect is a wonderful tool to keep families and faculty connected and informed. Calendars, Principal and Teacher newsletters, lunch menus, email system, student handbook, even your child’s test dates, long range assignments and grades are all found in one convenient place! You name it, it’s here. Parents, for secure FastDirect login, click here.
Field trips serve to enrich the Ste. Genevieve du Bois School curriculum, providing students hands-on experiences that expand their world view, help them bond with their classmates and gain a keener understanding of the current school lessons. Parent volunteers help chaperone or drive on Ste. Gen. field trips. Children in Primary Grades (Pre-K-2nd) might learn about animals at the zoo or go apple picking. Intermediate Grade (3rd-5th) students might go to the History Museum, Art Museum or play their recorders at the Symphony, plus they begin to add some service projects into their outings. Middle Schoolers (6th-8th) also do service-related field trips, sorting supplies at the St. Louis Area Foodbank and reading to the children at Carmelite. Middle School field trips include exploring space travel at the Challenger Learning Center and learning about budgets and running a business at Junior Achievement BizTown. Sixth Grade also goes to sleepaway camp for a faith-filled, bonding experience.
The Ste. Genevieve du Bois School day is from 7:50 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The doors open at 7:30 a.m. We occasionally dismiss at noon for meetings.
Ste. Genevieve du Bois School’s Pre-Kindergarten is offered five days a week from 7:50 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Ste. Gen’s Learning Consultants are available to assist children looking for extra help, both remedial and enrichment. Our Learning Consultants tailor their approach to the child’s specific needs, offering one-on-one guidance or small group assistance. For those students needing a greater challenge, the Learning Consultants host several reading groups of advanced readers for in-depth discussion and analyses.
Newly remodeled in 2021, the new and improved Ste. Gen library is clean and spiffy, with oodles of new books and an updated barcoding system. All grades created their own library cards, which are now laminated and ready for reading! Special reading nooks create just the right atmosphere to dive deep into the latest tale. Book your tour to see our renovated library! And books can’t be just limited to library time. Each class has their own special library space, ensuring the students always have a bounty of books and a quiet place to read. Now that’s book smarts!
Monitored by faculty, lunchtime at Ste. Genevieve du Bois School is a great time to recharge and chat with friends at grade-specific assigned tables, with fun recess time to follow. Grades KG through Third Grade eat lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Grades Fourth through Eighth eat lunch from 11:50 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Students may bring their own lunch or a catered hot lunch is available daily. For the latest lunch menus, parents may visit the FastDirect School Information System.
All students celebrate Mass weekly at Ste. Genevieve du Bois School. Parents are always invited to join us. Grades First through Eighth help lead the morning Mass, lectoring, leading the responsorial and music, plus bringing the gifts. Older students also help serve at Mass. These acts of stewardship and public speaking help empower our students to become more confident leaders who are strong in our Catholic faith.
Ste. Genevieve du Bois School’s Registered Nurse provides compassionate care for all medical emergencies great and small. Several Ste. Gen faculty members are also CPR/AED certified plus professionally trained in First Aid, ensuring a quick response to any emergency situation.
Igniting both body and mind in our well-rounded, challenging curriculum, Ste. Genevieve du Bois School places a premium on Physical Education and the Arts. Our Physical Education program focuses not just on team-building sports, but also specific, targeted needs for the individual child.
We offer Spanish from the earliest grades and have heard how well prepared our children are when they go on to high school. Our Art classes allow the child’s natural creativity to flow through a wide variety of hands-on projects. Our computer classes introduce the youngest learners to computer design and writing. Our Science Lab opens the window to creative scientific exploration and experimentation.
And in Music, the children are encouraged to express themselves through instrument play. In Grades Third through Fifth, the students learn to read music and play the recorder, even taking their newfound skills on the road to play with the St. Louis Symphony!
Ste. Genevieve du Bois School takes the safety of your children and our faculty very seriously. Our building is locked and secured at all times, with the added protection of a monitored security camera system. Visitors must always be buzzed into the building. We also hold regular safety drills with our students and have even had the honor of having the Warson Woods Police Department come talk to our children about the importance of personal safety. The Glendale Fire Department has also brought their message of fire safety to the students at Ste. Gen… along with their fun bounce house!
As part of the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program, we also require that all faculty and all parent volunteers must complete the “Prevent and Protect” seminar, sign The Code of Ethical Conduct and consent to periodic, state background checks through the Family Care Registry. Adults will not be allowed to work or volunteer on our campus or on our field trips without first completing all steps. We strongly believe these measures are of the utmost importance to safeguard our children at all times. For more information on the Safe Environment Program, please visit the St. Louis Archdiocese Website at https://www.preventandprotectstl.org/. If you are a first-time volunteer, please call 314.821.4245 or stop by the school office for the necessary forms.
At Ste. Genevieve du Bois School, we value the importance of technology in this rapidly-changing digital world. It’s how we work, how we create and how we stay connected. We strive to stay current with the latest digital advances, seamlessly integrating computers and technology into the school day, so our children will be well-prepared for their high school years and career ahead. For the families and teachers, the FastDirect School Information System is a wonderful tool to keep everyone connected and informed about everything happening at Ste. Gen, even your child’s test dates, long range assignments and grades!
Ste. Genevieve Du Bois Parish was founded in 1956 as a small community Catholic Church. Today, it is a vibrant parish community of involved, caring families. For Mass times and more information, please visit our website at SteGenevieveduBois.org. We invite you to join us!