Ste. Gen has a proud tradition of athletic participation and achievement with a strong focus on team, fun and fellowship. We participate in the South Central CYC District and offer extra-curricular sports during the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons for boys and girls in grades Pre-K through Eighth.
For more information including registration, schedules and field directions, please visit www.SteGenSports.org.
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Golf
- Softball
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Field Hockey
Student Life/Activities
Academics and faith shape a student’s mind, but it’s often the extracurricular activities that ignite their passions, uncovering new joys and hidden talents. At Ste. Genevieve du Bois School, we strive to enhance our students’ cultural, artistic and social experiences with a variety of in-school and afterschool enrichment opportunities. Pop by our Facebook Page and see the fun happening at Ste. Gen. right now!
Student Ambassadors
What better way to learn about the leadership qualities we are building than by taking a tour led by one of our Middle School Ambassadors? Student Ambassadors are trained to be warm and welcoming as they usher prospective families around our campus, moderating their pace to accommodate our guests’ interests and questions. No question is silly for an Ambassador and if they don’t know the answer, they always promise to find out.
Advent Program
This sweet concert heralds the start of Christmas break as we wait in eager anticipation for the birth of our Lord. The children don their Christmas best and each class takes a turn performing a song that celebrates Jesus. Sprinkled throughout the festivities, some of our students share their solo vocal and musical talents. We’re not going to give away the secret, but if you have a kindergartner, you will not want to miss their grand entrance. It is precious!
Awards Ceremony
At our annual Awards Ceremony, we pause to reflect on our children’s amazing accomplishments in academics, athletics, service, leadership, character and even most improved effort. This is a prayerful celebration where we honor the past year and look forward to good times in the year ahead as we say goodbye to our graduating Eighth Grade and welcome our Seventh Grade as our new school leaders.
Big Buddy Program
This buddy system is one of our greatest leadership opportunities at Ste. Gen, pairing every Kindergartner with a Sixth Grade mentor. Sixth Grade buddies read to their young friends, escort them to Mass and take them under their wing at our Ste. Gen Field Day. But the highlight has to be The Guardian Angel Mass and Reception, where the buddies share their very special bond with the school community through a precious song performed together. These buddy friendships are cherished all through Middle School and the Primary years and are celebrated at an annual picnic until our Eighth Grade friends graduate.
Breakfast with Santa
HO! HO! HO! This fabulous family event finds our merry little elves transforming Ste. Gen. into a winter wonderland complete with games, prizes, a yummy breakfast and a special photo op with the big man himself, Ol’ Saint Nick! The youngsters love making reindeer food, tossing snowballs and decorating presents for Jesus’ birthday. The Middle Schoolers make sure they’ll land on Santa’s nice list, playing the part of Santa’s happy, helpful elves.
Bricks 4 Kidz
More than just a brick and motor operation, this lively afterschool program challenges children to think outside the box, taking creativity in a new dimension with a boxload of Legos and a little engineering ingenuity.
Catholic Schools’ Week – Ste. Gen Spirit
We’ve got spirit, yes we do! We’ve got spirit, how ‘bout YOU? Catholic Schools’ Week is a time to celebrate what it means to get a solid Catholic education, while showing a little Ste. Gen spirit. At our Catholic Schools’ Week Mass, we are thankful for our wonderful school, our involved community and the lasting impact of our faith. We’re also thankful for the camaraderie and school pride that spirit week brings. Every year, our Student Council picks a lively theme for each day of this week… Wacky Hat Day, Ste. Gen. Sports Apparel Day, Red, White and Blue Day… it’s always uniquely fun. And midweek we invite all the families to join the celebration for a special family luncheon.
Fun? Check. Friends? Checkmate! What could be better than learning to play chess with your best school buds? This afterschool program teaches the basics and the strategy behind the classic game, with a little friendly competition to boot. It’s not who wins or loses, but how you play the game that makes this extracurricular such a good time!
Parish Picnic
A final fling for the Eighth Grade, this fun day carnival gets the whole school in on the act with thrilling game booths, candy prizes and a chance to win one of the many class activity baskets filled with fun goodies.
Fall Tailgate
Deck out your ride, toss in some chairs and your dinner, then park it on the lot for a night of Ste. Gen. pride and F-U-N at our annual Tailgate Party kicking off the Fall sports season! And it wouldn’t be a proper Tailgate without snacks to share, so maybe pack that pop-up table, too. Kid-friendly fun includes activities like face painting, balloon animals and the always-popular playground. Parent chaperones man the different stations, keeping the evening safe and fun for all.
Family Campout
Pop a tent and sleep under the stars, we’ve turned the fireside chat into a family fun overnighter! The Ste. Gen. Family Campout is a favored new tradition that builds on our strong ties to our community and our faithful commitment to fellowship. And this outing has everything you love about the classic campout and even more… the requisite bonfire, a big screen outdoor movie for the kids and a field full of fun friends. In the morning, you just might find some donuts and hot chocolate or a pickup game of soccer!
Field Day
Put your game face on and let’s rumble! It’s Field Day time. This is one of those fun days that you just don’t want to miss. This ultimate team-building exercise pairs the smallest of the small with the biggest of the big and everyone in between for round after raucous round of good-natured fun. Every team is a perfect mix of old and young, big and little, and the smiles and good cheer shine even brighter than the colorful team shirts. Big Brothers and Big Sisters look after their little buddies and help them through the challenges. Parent volunteers help run the events. Midway through, the children stop for a refreshing popsicle break, then it’s back to the lighthearted competition. The day ends early with a tasty picnic lunch and the all-in-good-fun ribbon ceremony.
Grandparents’ Day
A spring treat, on Grandparents’ Day we happily open our doors to welcome all grandparents and special friends into our school for a special donut breakfast and personal tour led by their very own grandchildren. The grandmothers love the special one-on-one time and the little potted flower gifts. The grandfathers love the donuts and the games back in the classroom. It’s such a special day!
Guardian Angel Program
The Guardian Angel Program is like our own welcoming committee, pairing new Ste. Genevieve du Bois School families with veteran school families for the ultimate support system. Guardian Angels are available to answer questions and make sure new families are plugged into the latest Ste. Gen. happenings and events.
Honor Roll
A special achievement for our Middle School Students, Honor Roll recognizes those exemplary students who not only excel in academics, but also exceed expectations with their hard-working effort and stellar conduct. For High Honor Roll, students must have received only two B grades, the rest A’s for a given quarter. For Honor Roll, students may have any combination of A’s and B’s. Children who receive Honors for all four quarters will be recognized at our annual Awards Ceremony.
Mad Science
This wacky afterschool program sparks the imagination, encouraging a love of hands-on exploration through curiously-fun experiments. The children even get to keep their experiments and share their newfound scientific expertise with Mom and Dad!
Morning News
Coming to you live from our own Ste. Gen. Studio, students in Grades First through Eighth present the Morning News, a digest “show” about the latest news at Ste. Gen., plus top weather, sports and “this date in history” headlines. Broadcast three days a week to the whole school campus, the Morning News gives students an opportunity to shine, sharpening their writing skills and public-speaking abilities. Kindergarten students get in on the act too, holding the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. Middle Schoolers share the message of the Saint of the Day. And every broadcast wouldn’t be complete without a special prayer. Sometimes the students even recite the Lord’s Prayer in Spanish!
Pet Blessing
This creature feature celebrates our best friends of the furry variety, as we honor St. Francis of Assisi, a saint renowned for his love of all creatures great and small. Our school community dismisses a little early on this feast day, so our students can join their parents and their furry friends on the lawn as our Pastor blesses our beloved animals.
Saints Alive
Hosted by the Sixth Grade, the Saints Alive fair invites students in all grades to learn about the good works of our holy saints through fun, themed activities. The Sixth Graders show great leadership, creativity and collaboration as they craft their different stations and present them to the school children.
Scholastic Book Fair
This annual event not only helps build up our school and classroom libraries, but also builds better readers. The kids get so excited to “shop” at the Book Fair and make their wishlists for Mom & Dad. Big buddies help the little ones write down their favorites. This a great event to not only earn books for the school, but also to stash some Christmas presents for your children. And Clifford the Big Red Dog has even been known to stop by our Fair!
Sixth Grade Camp
A sleepaway experience for our Sixth Grade students, this weeklong camp allows our children to bond together under the beautiful canopy of God’s natural world. Students learn survival skills, patience and the value of working hard and working together to achieve a common goal, like lighting a fire. Filled with faith and fun, this wonderful, team-building adventure is not soon to be forgotten.
Student Council
A true taste of leadership in action, Ste. Genevieve du Bois School’s Student Council fosters a spirit of giving and collaboration, giving a voice to our student body. Starting in Fourth Grade, students may represent their class on the council. Middle Schoolers fill the officers’ roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Students campaign for their positions, even delivering speeches to the voters. Our teacher-mentored Student Council meets once a month during lunch where they discuss the planning and execution of schoolwide activities like candygrams during the holidays and spirited themes for Catholic Schools’ Week.
The Three Piggy Opera
They’ll huff and they’ll puff and they’ll blow you away with this unbelievably cute Kindergarten performance! A beloved Ste. Gen. tradition, The Three Piggy Opera assures every kindergartner has a starring role, as the tight-knit cast collaborates to put on this most funtastic show for the entire school community.